Over 3,400 care homes receive spring Covid jabs

Over 3,400 care homes have received spring Covid vaccinations in the first week of the NHS programme’s roll-out.

Care homes for older people were among the vulnerable groups to receive Covid boosters as of 15 April.

Steve Russell, NHS national director for vaccinations and screening, said: “Since this spring’s NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme kicked off on Monday, we have already seen visits to over 3,400 older adult care homes and 700,000 of those eligible booking appointments online to get that all important jab.

“Protection against Covid-19 reduces over time which is why it is so important to get this top-up if you are in one of the most at-risk groups, with data from last year showing those who received the spring jab were up to 50% less likely to be admitted to hospital for three to four months afterwards.”

As of Thursday evening (18 April), over 3,400 adult care homes have been visited, delivering over 48,400 vaccinations. An additional 6,400 vaccinations had been delivered to care home residents in other locations, such as their GP practice.

Covid-19 can still be very dangerous and even life-threatening, particularly for older people and those with a weakened immune system. The vaccine gives good protection and helps reduce the risk of serious illness or death, needing to go to hospital, catching and spreading the virus, and protects against different variants.

UKHSA surveillance data on last year’s spring Covid-19 vaccination programme showed that those who received a vaccine were up to 50% less likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid-19 for three to four months after vaccination, compared to those who did not receive one.

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