Care England is launching a National Water Tender “to cut water costs so providers can stay afloat”.
FinanceFlying Angel has purchased The Lombrand care home in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, a residential care home registered for 21 service users with mental health needs.
Property‘Identifying and Addressing Failing Care: A Guide for Care Home Professionals’ explores how clinical and financial key performance indicators can provide early warning signs, helping to identify emerging risks before they escalate.
AssociationsCare England chief executive Martin Green says the way in which local authorities commission care makes them “complicit with modern slavery”. Multiple sources on and off the record say tens of thousands of international care workers are stranded in the UK.
Policy & PoliticsExemplar Health Care, a provider of nursing care for adults with complex needs, has opened Laurel Place in Durham.
PropertyProperty developer Zephyr X has taken out an £8.8 million bridging loan to support a purpose-built 70-bed care home and seven supported living apartments in Blackburn, Lancashire.