Inter-generational smart homes planned for Norwich
Castlemeadow Care has submitted a planning application for inter-generational smart homes on the estate of Colney Hall, adjacent to the Norwich Research Park.
The University of East Anglia is the strategic research and training partner for the proposal.
Dr Sanjay Kaushal, chair of Castlemeadow Care, said: “Working alongside the University of East Anglia (UEA) as the strategic training and research partner, this will be the first bespoke social care training campus. This will help to encourage people to enter the social care sector that is challenged by workforce pressures leading to the health and social care system that is perilously stretched. By living longer and well, this will help to reduce admissions into the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, freeing bed space to increase treatment capacity such as those patients on the waiting list for treatments.”
Professor Charles ffrench Constant, pro-vice chancellor for medicine and health sciences at the UEA, said: “As the research and training partner for the project, UEA manifestly brings a wealth of academic excellence in combination with established partnerships and collaborations.
“A pioneering development of this kind, with the scale and ambitions set out in the application, will enable UEA’s core strengths to be applied in a way that can generate benefits in living, care, health, training and environmental sustainability, that will ripple out much more widely, starting with the local area. The next generation would not forgive us if we didn’t take the opportunity to ensure this scheme was delivered.”