‘Put dementia on the agenda,’ demands Dementia UK in election manifesto

Dementia UK has created a manifesto, titled ‘Put dementia on the agenda’, ahead of the upcoming General Election.

A statement from the charity said: “We are urging the next government to put dementia on its agenda and address the huge gaps in health and social care which leave many people isolated and unsupported following a diagnosis.”

Among Dementia UK’s demands are that the government: “fix[es] the funding”, “ensure[s] no one faces dementia alone”, “address[es] the age inequality” and “relieve[s] hospital pressure”.

Meanwhile, in the document’s foreword, Hilda Hayo, chief admiral nurse and chief executive of Dementia UK, commented: “Dementia is the leading cause of death in the UK and there is currently no cure. One in two of us will be affected by this complex condition in our lifetime – either by caring for a loved one with the diagnosis, developing it ourselves, or both. So many of us live with dementia, but no one should face it alone.

“Yet the stark reality is that too many people living with dementia, their families and loved ones do not have the specialist support, advice and understanding that they need.

“Too often, they are left feeling exhausted and overwhelmed as they try to manage everyday life alongside the challenges that dementia can bring. Many simply do not know where to turn.

“The impact on families living with dementia can be devastating, pushing their wellbeing, relationships and finances to breaking point.

“The impact is felt not just by the families, though, but by our health and care systems as well, placing pressure on already strained resources through
unnecessary hospital admissions and the need for more intensive support.
It doesn’t have to be this way. The time to act is now.

“The number of people living with dementia is set to increase to over one million in the UK by the first year of the next parliament.

“Currently, there are too many barriers to diagnosis and care. Too many strategies have been announced but not delivered for people affected by dementia. And too many families have fallen between the gaps.

“We must deliver real change with a new long-term strategic vision for the growing number of families living with the daily challenges of dementia.

“Dementia care in the UK must be transformed so that all families affected by the condition can access the specialist, compassionate support they need, when they need it.

“We stand ready to work with the next parliament and government so that,
together, we can ensure that no one faces dementia alone.”

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