Hamberley Care Homes appoints head of dementia

Hamberley Care Homes has appointed David Moore as head of dementia.

Moore has held multiple leadership roles in dementia care and dementia education. He said: “Hamberley’s dedication to providing the very best dementia care, from the design of the environment to the individual care provided, is truly inspiring. In my role I aim to formulate a dementia strategy that will build on these strong foundations and develop a plan that is rooted in empathy, creativity and allowing residents to live life very much on their terms.

“My journey really began when I witnessed the support that my grandfather and other residents got in their care home many years ago. I was so inspired by the owners, Professor David Sheard and Anne Fretwell, that I went on to work at Merevale House as a carer and eventually as the manager before moving onto a role at Dementia Care Matters. It really was the beginning of a lifelong passion.”

Subsequently, Moore worked at the University of Worcester as its head of education, and as dementia lead at West Sussex County Council. He also led dementia strategies at other care operators. In addition, he has written 10 books on dementia, had numerous research articles published and is a regular speaker at dementia conferences. 

Hamberley Care Homes’ chief executive Paul Hill said: “With decades of experience in the field, his commitment to fostering a culture of listening and empathy will be instrumental as we develop a dementia strategy that truly prioritises the needs of our residents.”

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