Covid review calls for greater protection of care homes

A Covid review commissioned by the Isle of Man government has called for great protection for care homes in the event of another pandemic.

The Independent Isle of Man Covid Review, which was carried out by Kate Brunner KC, makes a number of recommendations to the DHSC and government arms-length health and social care organisation Manx Care.

The recommendations include:

  • Clarity about the respective roles of the Director of Public Health, the Registration and Inspection unit, and the Infection, Prevention and Control services in relation to public and private care homes in a crisis
  • Explicit recognition of the difficulties faced by private care homes which do not have access to a bank of staff, with a plan for mitigating those issues
  • Analysis of the causes of the Covid care home outbreaks and whether any different support could have prevented or mitigated them
  • A plan for provision of care for those with dementia (and other conditions which create difficulties with understanding or complying with infection prevention and control measures) in any future pandemic
  • Explicit recognition that bespoke protocols should be created for the care sectors, for example for PPE, with input from people with a clear understanding of those sectors
  • Explicit recognition that before social care teams are redeployed, or social care services are suspended in an emergency, there should be consultation with front-line teams and careful consideration of the consequences for existing clients. Case-by-case flexibility should be maintained where possible.

Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK welcomed the publication commenting: “The findings make clear that there are lessons to be learned and things we could have done differently. But it also demonstrates that there are aspects of the Covid response of which our Island can be proud.

“The report highlights the Manx community’s remarkable capacity to come together in a crisis. It finds that, overall, the Isle of Man fared much better than many other places.

“The report also noted the contribution of the Island’s public servants and volunteers who worked so hard to serve the public and to whom we owe a debt of gratitude. It also recognises the significant willingness of the whole Island to come together and support each other through such a difficult time. To everyone in our community who played a role in responding to the pandemic, I extend my thanks.”

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