Care Inspectorate launches guidance on support for vegans and vegetarians
The Care Inspectorate has partnered with charity Vegetarian for Life to produce guidance on good care for people who are vegetarian or vegan.
Based on the Scottish Government’s Health and Social Care Standards, Good care for vegetarians and vegans is an evaluation and improvement tool aimed at inspectors and at care services looking for best practice points.
Heather Edwards, allied health professions consultant at the Care Inspectorate, said: “The quality illustration gives a clear guide to service providers and their staff on what good care looks like for people who are vegan and vegetarian experiencing care to meet their dietary and lifestyle needs. This tool is a great way to help a service self-evaluate their care and support for vegans and vegetarians and make any identified improvements.”
Kim Stringer, Vegetarian for Life’s director (Scotland) said: “Veganism or vegetarianism can be a large part of someone’s identity and more than just their diet. A vegan or vegetarian may have lived this way for decades of their life and their right to follow dietary practice in line with religious or philosophical beliefs is fundamental and enshrined in law.”
Key areas covered by the resource include the extent to which people experience:
- Care and support based on relevant evidence, guidance, best practice and standards; in particular, the Health and Social Care Standards
- Food and drink that meets their needs and individual preferences
- A positive attitude from others towards their vegetarian or vegan identity.
The Care Inspectorate and Vegetarian for Life are co-hosting a webinar to support the launch of the guidance in November.