Barchester teams up with RoSPA on falls prevention

Ioana Morar, deputy manager of White Lodge, (centre) with residents at Blunsdon Court retirement apartments
Ioana Morar, deputy manager of White Lodge, (centre) with residents at Blunsdon Court retirement apartments

Leading care home provider, Barchester Healthcare, has teamed up with The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents on a month-long falls awareness campaign.

As part of the campaign, staff from White Lodge care home in Braydon, north Wiltshire have been out in the community giving talks on Barchester’s Fall Fighter Campaign.

Every year one in three people over the age of 65 will have a fall. For those over 80, the risk increases to one in two people having a fall each year.

Ramona Gherendi and Ioana Morar, general manager and deputy manager of White Lodge, visited Blunsdon Court retirement apartments to talk to residents about the campaign.

Gherendi said: “Falls have a huge impact on people’s lives, this can be long term and mean the loss of independence. White Lodge are delighted to be part of the campaign to empower people to understand what to do in the event of a fall as well as preventing them happening.”

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