94-year-old care home resident runs yoga club

A 94-year-old Boutique Care Homes resident has launched a yoga club in Surrey home The Burlington.

Daphne Read has been involved with yoga for around 45 years and previously hosted classes in her own house. The Burlington Yoga Club allows residents to engage in a shared activity, fostering a sense of community and connection.

“It’s a chance to have a natter and a laugh and a giggle with others. This is just as important as keeping moving,” said Read, whose mother was a professional dancer.

Emma Dudhee, home manager at The Burlington, said: “Witnessing Daphne’s passion for yoga and the vibrant energy she brings to The Burlington’s new yoga club is truly inspiring. Her 45 years of experience infuse every session with wisdom, creating a sense of community and well-being that enriches the lives of our residents.”

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