Walfinch to share insight at largest show dedicated to care managers

Walfinch home care’s team is to provide insight at the largest show dedicated to care managers. 

The Care Managers Show will take place 30 June-1 July at the NEC in Birmingham and Amrit Dhaliwal, chief executive, Julie Farrow, senior franchise support manager and Tiffany Meachim, franchisee for Mansfield will all join panel discussions at the event.

The Care Managers Show is set to attract over 4,000 managers, employers and sector specialists has a full conference agenda and will be hosted by TV personality, Davina McCall.

Dhaliwal and Farrow will join the home care stream Agenda – Care Managers Show and will discuss recruitment and retention at 10am on both days of the show.  Tiffany Meachim, Walfinch franchisee for Mansfield, will join the debate on rostering at 11am on both days to share her experience on how effective rostering can affect carers’ happiness and help retain the best team members.

Dhaliwal explains: “It is an honour for three Walfinch team members to be invited to share their insight and practical experience about these pressing industry topics.  The show is free to attend so care managers will benefit from broadening their horizons and gaining valuable CPD credits.  With live music from Boyzlife on the entertainment stage, the event is also promises to be great fun!”

For more information or to register, visit Care Managers Show – NEC Birmingham

To find out more about Walfinch’s franchise opportunities please see https://walfinchfranchising.com/ or call: 020 4541 4545.

For more details regarding Walfinch’s range of home care services and regional branches, visit www.walfinch.com.

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