The Duchess of Edinburgh opens Winchester care home

The Duchess took part in decorating a cake with residents to celebrate the 75th birthday of HM The King
The Duchess took part in decorating a cake with residents to celebrate the 75th birthday of HM The King

The Duchess of Edinburgh has officially opened Brendoncare’s St Giles View care home in Winchester.

The Duchess, who is patron of the Winchester-based charity, unveiled a plaque to mark the occasion that was held on the birthday of King Charles III.

Marianne Wanstall, Brendoncare’s chief executive, said: “We are delighted the Duchess could join us on such a joyous day, this also being the King’s birthday. We are thrilled she takes such a keen interest in our activities both in our seven care homes and also across our network of 75 community clubs across Hampshire and Dorset.”

During her visit to the 60 bedroom care home in Quarry Road, the Duchess, accompanied by St Giles View team members, visited residents in the three households, all named after villages close to Winchester: Littleton, Sparsholt and Chilcomb.

The Duchess also joined residents from Chilcomb household for afternoon tea in St Giles View’s café.

She also heard about how local people in the immediate area would be invited to come to participate in special activities in the care home’s community area.

The Brendoncare Foundation is a Winchester-based registered charity, which provides seven care homes and five extra care housing developments across the south of England.

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