Runwood Homes care home placed in special measures

A Runwood Homes care home in Norfolk has been placed in special measures after being downgraded from Requires Improvement to Inadequate.

The CQC said action had been taken at Windmill House in Wymondham to “focus the provider’s attention on making rapid and widespread improvements”.

Gill Hodgson-Reilly, CQC deputy director of operations in the East of England, said: “When we inspected Windmill House we were very disappointed to find people’s safety was being affected by many of the same issues CQC warned the provider about last year. Leaders had failed to act, and people were still being cared for in an unsafe and undignified environment by staff who didn’t always know how to meet their needs.

“The home was visibly unclean, and inspectors repeatedly found people left with soiled bedding, as well as a damaged toilet that was leaking onto the floor. We also saw people hadn’t always been supported to clean their teeth and fingernails, all of which raises people’s risk of infection, and doesn’t allow them to live in a dignified way that most people are able to take for granted. It was also concerning that people told us staff weren’t always kind to them.

“We were also concerned to find leaders hadn’t made sure staff knew how to meet people’s individual needs as people had generic care plans which didn’t account for their own requirements and preferences.  

“We saw no evidence leaders had addressed many of these risks with staff following our inspection last year, and they reported more improvements than we found evidence for. This shows a concerning lack of oversight, which meant they were unable to identify ongoing issues and develop solutions.

“We’ll continue to monitor the service closely to ensure significant improvements are made and won’t hesitate to take further action if we’re not assured people are receiving the safe and dignified care they deserve.”

A spokesperson at Runwood Homes said: “Following a recent CQC inspection in May 2023, we regret that Windmill House fell below the standards that both Runwood Homes and the Care Quality Commission expect.

“Since the CQC inspection, we have made progress in implementing an agreed action plan, this is to make the necessary improvements in both the Safe and Well-led categories. We will continue to work closely with CQC to ensure that the improvements continue to be made and sustained.

“We ensure that the wellbeing of our residents is at the forefront of everything we do here at Runwood Homes.”

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