New leadership appointed after care home falls into special measures

A new leadership team has been appointed at a Birmingham care home after it fell into special measures.

Avery Healthcare said it had taken “immediate action” following the Inadequate rating for Clare Court Care Home in Birmingham and had a “robust action in place”.

The care home operator said it was “working closely with CQC and Birmingham City Council to ensure we meet and maintain the regulatory requirements”.

Amanda Lyndon, CQC deputy director of operations in the Midlands, said: “Our inspectors found serious concerns due to ineffective systems, the inappropriate use of restraints as well as a number of other serious safety concerns.

“We saw that staff didn’t always follow falls prevention processes which is totally unacceptable and puts people at risk of avoidable harm.

 “We were also concerned about people’s safety from abuse, as not all injuries had been investigated. One person had suffered a serious injury resulting in fractures; however, staff didn’t know how it had happened and hadn’t followed up to find out. Although we didn’t see any evidence to suggest the person had been the victim of abuse, the failure to investigate meant this was still a possibility.”

The CQC said were people were at risk of “healthy unweight loss” at the service and staffing levels “were not always adequate”.

Positive examples of care practice were found during the inspection, however, with “significant improvements in medicines management” and “improvements in staff induction training and support”.

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