MHA prepares for awareness-raising event
Care provider Methodist Homes (MHA) is calling on members of the public to support annual awareness-raising event MHA Sunday.
The event, which aims to encourage churches across the UK to hold a service to raise awareness of MHA, will take place on Sunday 9 June. If the date is inconvenient for churches they are encouraged to choose a day that is more convenient for them.
MHA Sunday aims to celebrate the work of MHA and the value of older people; raise awareness of future needs and ways to respond; drive fundraising; encourage volunteering; and show how the church can meet the needs of older people.
Abigail Ogier, MHA head of chaplaincy, said: “Our links with the Methodist Church are highly valued at MHA, and MHA Sunday is one of the key times when we come together to give thanks for our work, to give local churches and congregations insight into a particular part of our work and to reflect, pray and worship together. The gifts that congregations give at their MHA Sunday services also make a massive contribution to supporting our charitable work.”
MHA is using MHA Sunday to highlight its telephone befriending service, through the friendship of befriending member Dot Lander and volunteer Grace Bryan.
“Meeting them as they met one another face to face for the first time was a very powerful and moving experience, and I hope everyone will experience a little of this as they watch our video,” said Ogier.