MHA home celebrates Good rating
Staff and residents at MHA Epworth Grange are celebrating after receiving a Good rating from their latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection.
Inspectors said they received positive feedback about the care provided from relatives and people living at the home.
They said people living at the home and relatives felt the service was safe; there were enough staff to care for people safely; and correct staff recruitment procedures were followed. Risks were effectively managed, accidents and incidents were monitored, and there were systems in place to monitor the quality of service through audits, meetings, surveys and competency checks.
MHA Epworth Grange provides residential and dementia care for 41 residents.
Susan Hopkinson, home manager said: “When the CQC inspected previously we received the same rating so to be consistent is very pleasing. Moving forward we want to continue with the good work we are doing, and I just want to thank everyone for all their hard work.”