MHA celebrates Good rating for Nottingham care home
MHA’s Queenswood care home in Beeston has been rated Good in all categories by the CQC.
The home, which is one of 10 being sold by the not-for-profit provider following a strategic review, retained its Good rating following an inspection in October.
Home manager Samukaliso Marozo said: “All the team at Queenswood care should be proud of this report. Their hard work and dedication to caring and supporting our residents has really contributed to the home being rated Good. In addition, the comments from residents to the inspectors during their visit have been lovely to read.”
Inspectors noted there were systems in place to make sure risks associated with residents’ individual needs and the environment were assessed, managed and monitored well.
In addition, the CQC said residents were protected from the risk of infection as staff were following safe infection prevention practices and care plans were person-centred to guide staff on the best way to support individuals
Residents said the manager spoke with them frequently to make sure they were happy with the care they were receiving.
MHA regional director Debbie Phillips said: “Congratulations must go to Sam and her team for making sure standards at Queenswood have been maintained during recent months. We know recent months will have been challenging for them but they have continued to make sure residents are well cared for and the home continues its lively and busy programme of events.”