In each edition of Caring Times, we cover:
Upcoming features include:
Property: Refurbishment and repurposing, whether to buy or build, lease or rent, the importance of location, and specialist design.
Software/technology/apps: Software, digital tools, apps, and digital transformation strategies to simplify, improve, manage, and reduce the cost of care.
Infection control/hygiene: The essential guide to maintaining good infection control and hygiene throughout your business.
Training and apprenticeships: Who, where, and when to train – Options for the forward-thinking business.
Catering and nutrition: The importance of nutrition and choice in care and for health, and how and where to source the best options.
Recruitment and retention: How to fill the workforce gap with staff at home, and from abroad, fit to meet the current and future demands of social care.
For more information, download our media pack and get in touch via [email protected]