Home care: Personal care revolution

Vivant chief executive and founder Louise Blezzard
Vivant chief executive and founder Louise Blezzard

Louise Blezzard, founder and chief executive of Vivant, looks at the drivers reshaping personalised care delivered in clients’ homes

The direction of personalised home care is ever-evolving, offering new ways to provide a bespoke approach that goes beyond the conventional norms of traditional caregiving. As the founder and chief executive of Vivant, a luxury home care provider, I have witnessed first-hand the recent transformation in caregiving practices, which is shifting the way we perceive and experience home care.

Technological advancements

The integration of cutting-edge technology is reshaping luxury care, allowing caregivers to utilise intelligent home care systems and leverage artificial intelligence and other devices to monitor health indicators, ensure medication adherence and uphold client safety. These recent advancements in technology not only provide caregivers with real-time insights, but also empower individuals to engage actively in their own care, developing a sense of autonomy and control.

Care service technology has also evolved, with virtual consultations, remote health monitoring and interactive therapy sessions now widely available to home care recipients. This both heightens accessibility and ensures individuals receive prompt and effective care without the necessity of physical presence.

In addition, the commitment to continuous learning technology reflects a dedication to providing care recipients with the highest standards of care in an ever-changing healthcare landscape. Looking ahead, new technology offering even more capabilities will become a hallmark of the home care industry.

A holistic approach

This year, the paradigm of luxury home care extends beyond the boundaries of medical assistance, embracing a holistic perspective that caters to emotional, social and lifestyle needs. From thoughtful wellness programmes and bespoke nutrition plans to specialised fitness regimes, our services go far beyond the conventional scope of caregiving, contributing to a comprehensive sense of wellbeing.

A notable shift lies in the recognition of the importance of mental health. Our caregivers are not merely versed in medical procedures, they are attuned to the emotional wellbeing of our clients. Moving forward, there will be a pronounced emphasis on mental health support, companionship and activities geared towards instilling joy and fulfilment, constituting an intrinsic part of the personalised care experience.

The essence of individualisation

The future of personalised care revolves around the concept of curated experiences. Each home care recipient is distinct and services should be meticulously designed to mirror and honour that distinctiveness. From personalised care plans that adapt with evolving needs, to a concierge-style approach that anticipates and fulfils every requirement, our commitment is to deliver an experience that is as unique as the individual themselves.

Personalisation also extends to cultural nuances, preferences and lifestyle choices. Whether it involves creating an environment that resonates with a person’s cultural heritage or curating activities aligned with their interests, care should integrate into the fabric of every individual’s life.

Ultimately, the future of home care brings together the threads of technology, holistic wellbeing and individualised experiences. As the owner of Vivant, I am excited by the transformative journey that awaits us in 2024 and beyond, celebrating the uniqueness of each individual.

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