Enhancing dementia care through team training

Group training manager, Maria Fagen, explains how Westgate Healthcare is leading the way in dementia care

Team members use modified equipment to simulate the sensory experiences of individuals with dementia.

In the landscape of elderly care, identifying the signs and symptoms of dementia is of utmost importance. Memory loss, confusion, communication challenges, and emotional vulnerability are among the most common indicators. At Westgate Healthcare, our team members and dementia specialists are trained to identify and assess these symptoms, tailoring care plans to meet the specific needs of each resident.

It’s crucial to understand that different forms of dementia may present with varying early indicators. For instance, Lewy body dementia may initially manifest with hallucinations rather than memory loss, while Alzheimer’s disease often presents with memory-related symptoms early on. Frontotemporal dementia, on the other hand, may involve changes in personality as an early sign. Despite these differences, overlapping symptoms become more apparent in later stages, emphasising the need for comprehensive care and monitoring.

There are currently around 900,000 people diagnosed with dementia in the UK, and this number is set to rise to a staggering 1.6 million by 2040. These statistics underscore the urgent need for specialised care and support for individuals affected by dementia. Additionally, one in six people over the age of 80 have dementia, highlighting the prevalence of this condition among the elderly population.

Dementia, a progressive cognitive condition, presents unique challenges for both individuals with the condition and their caregivers. It requires not only patience and empathy but also specialised knowledge and skills. Westgate Healthcare’s dementia training combines classroom learning with practical demonstrations using modified equipment and simulated scenarios, allowing our teams to better comprehend the difficulties faced by those living with dementia. This hands-on approach enables our caregivers to develop a deeper understanding of the condition, laying the groundwork for person-centred care that preserves the dignity and uniqueness of each resident.

Furthermore, dementia training empowers our teams to employ effective communication strategies, transcending language barriers and cognitive limitations. Techniques such as validation and reminiscence therapy enable caregivers to connect with residents on a meaningful level, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing confusion or agitation. Additionally, training equips our team with practical skills to create dementia-friendly environments within our care homes. From optimising physical spaces to implementing structured routines and engaging activities, every aspect of Westgate Healthcare homes is designed to promote independence and enhance quality of life for residents living with dementia.

Continuous team member training ensures that our caregivers remain abreast of the latest developments in dementia care research and best practices. As the field evolves, so too does our approach, with ongoing education enabling us to refine and improve the quality of care we provide.

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