Chef of the month: Helen Styles, Vida Hall, Vida Healthcare

Helen Styles, head chef at Vida Hall, Vida Healthcare
Helen Styles, head chef at Vida Hall, Vida Healthcare

Helen Styles works as head chef at Vida Hall, an Outstanding-rated care home operated by specialist dementia care provider Vida Healthcare

Tell us about your background in care

Moving into my first job in the catering sector, I wasn’t aware there were culinary roles in social care. I, therefore, continued to progress across a range of traditional jobs, including as a waitress and head chef at a local pub, before taking on a role as front-of-house in the care sector. Once I’d been introduced to the culinary world within care, I was hooked.

What is special about working in care?

Working in care brings a real sense of fulfilment and connection. Every day I know that I’m making a difference to the lives of our residents. Working at Vida in particular also feels like being part of a family – it’s a lovely place to work.

How do you vary your menu to provide choices for residents?

We implement a four-week rolling rota of menus to minimise repetition and provide choices for our residents. We generally find that traditional foods keep them engaged at mealtimes and can evoke memories. This is very important for people living with dementia. Dietary requirements, including physical needs such as dysphagia, are incorporated into each menu to ensure that everyone can eat what they want. Making our food visually engaging is also very important so that our residents are encouraged and excited to eat.

What does your typical menu look like?

As we provide bespoke care for people living with dementia who have specific requirements, we don’t have a typical menu. We prioritise familiarity and recognisable meals with a particular focus on including green and coloured vegetables to make sure that everyone is receiving the exact nutrition they need to stay happy and healthy.

My background is in good-quality, traditional food which is a big hit with our residents, many of whom are elderly. We do, however, like to include individual favourites in our offering, such as curry and Chinese cuisine.

How do you meet the nutritional and health needs for your residents?

Meeting residents’ nutritional needs is a priority and achieved through carefully curated menus, including a diverse selection of vegetables and seasonal fruits, so that each resident has a balanced diet.

Ultimately, we can only meet the nutritional and health needs of our residents if they want to eat the food that we’re producing. For people living with dementia it’s also very important to give them choices so that they can maintain their independence. For example, at breakfast time they have a choice between a full English or alternatives, such as yoghurt.

How do you cater for residents living with dementia?

It’s difficult to plan in advance when it comes to cooking for people living with dementia due to the specialist requirements. At Vida, we cater for our residents by providing a lot of choice so that everyone is eating well. For example, varied snack choices are consistently available for residents as their unique preferences often mean they prefer eating at different times.

What is your most popular dish?

Favourite meals for our residents are fish and chip Fridays and a classic Sunday dinner.

What is your favourite dish?

As a baker, my preference is crafting desserts. Indulgent puddings always put a smile on the faces of our residents.

How do you make the dining experience special for residents and their families?

For many people, mealtimes are a social occasion and this is no different for our residents. It gives them opportunities to socialise with each other, our staff and their family members. Making sure we create food that looks engaging and is easy to eat is particularly critical when cooking for people living with dementia so that their experience is special.

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