10 Questions with… Dr Jane Pritchard, consultant admiral nurse at The Good Care Group
Why did you join the social care sector?
I wanted to make a positive difference to the lives of people with dementia and their families.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy being able to support people to continue to live in their own homes. It’s where most people want to be, and it’s full of memories and stories.
Who is your social care hero and why?
It’s more like a collection of heroes as I don’t want to single out anyone in particular, but the members of the Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project network are hugely inspiring. They are a network of people with dementia who want to make a difference in the world and who generously share their experience of what it’s like to live with the condition. They are politically very active, I’ve seen them speak at a few conferences, and they have even created a media language, kick-starting the campaign to stop using the word dementia ‘sufferer’.
What is the one thing you would change about social care?
I would increase the profile of social care; it’s a wonderful place to work, and so rewarding, it’s a well-kept secret.
What, in your opinion, makes a great care worker?
Someone who is passionate about helping others and who radiates compassion and kindness. Skills and knowledge can be learned, it’s values and attitude that really matter. If you get those right when you employ people, then the rest will follow.
What do you do when life all gets a bit too much?
I remind myself that everything is only temporary and that the bad times will pass. I try to focus on my work-life balance and make sure that I’m not overdoing things.
What advice would you give your younger self ?
I think go easy on yourself, you can’t do it all and you can’t be everything to everyone.
Which three famous people would you have to dinner and why?
I think the Dalai Lama would be fascinating and I could learn so much from him about life and compassion. I have a great deal of respect for Buddhist teachings and they of course underpin a lot of cognitive behavioural therapy. Secondly, if he were still alive then Nelson Mandela; he was proof of how one person can change the world and he fought injustice with dignity and inner strength and I really admire that. Finally Michelle Obama, she’s a great role model for women, down to earth, and is said to have an amazing sense of humour,
What three items would you bring with you on a desert island?
A fishing net to catch dinner, a blanket (I feel the cold) and a hammock to relax in and enjoy the view.
What is your secret talent?
Well anyone who has had their portrait painted by me may not agree that it’s a talent (I’m really quite terrible at drawing people), but I like to paint, mainly landscapes and animals.
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