Excelcare residents share their new year’s resolutions

Residents across the Excelcare family have enjoyed celebrating the start of the new year this week by setting their goals and resolutions for the year ahead.

Team members across the Excelcare family have been engaging residents in discussion for the new year and asking people to set their resolutions.

An Excelcare spokesperson said: “This has made for some interesting conversations, and many have enjoyed looking back on the last year and deciding what they can change or aim towards this year.

“Some people opted to share some more serious goals, whilst others opted for some light-hearted resolutions which made for comical moments across the family.

“Residents and team members are looking forward to the year ahead and striving to achieve the goals they have set.”

Excelcare is a family run business with 31 care homes and home care services in Cambridge, Essex, London and Milton Keynes.

The care provider supports over 2,500 people and has over 2,000 staff members.

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