Devon mental health rehabilitation home changes hands
Experienced care home owner Kevin Betts has purchased Lyndale Residential Home in Tavistock, Devon, which provides assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for adults with mental health difficulties within a community setting.
Betts has been involved in numerous care businesses across the country and felt that Lyndale was a suitable addition to his other Devonshire care home, The Meadows: Instow.
Established in 1987, Lyndale Residential Home has been owned by Mervyn and Julianne Dalton since 1996, who are now retiring.
Mervyn Dalton said: “It was the right time both from a business and personal perspective to exit the market and, with Kevin Betts’ experience in the care industry, we are confident that Lyndale will continue to thrive under his guidance.”
Betts added: “We are delighted to have acquired Lyndale, which is a long-established and very successful home.”
Business property advisor Christie & Co facilitated the sale.
Simon Harvey, senior director, care at Christie & Co, said: “Homes of this nature always attract strong interest, and this was, once again, the case. Although it took some time to conclude the transaction, a positive outcome is really good news for all concerned. This sale and numerous others that have completed recently or are due to in the near future, continue to demonstrate the appetite within the Southwest care market.”
Lyndale Residential Home was sold for an undisclosed price.