Cycling trips back on for Edinburgh care home residents

An Edinburgh care home has resumed a cycling scheme to get residents out in the fresh air and interacting with the community.

With restrictions easing, Cramond Residence resumed its partnership with Joy Rides – a customised electric tri-shaw bike that carries two passengers and a driver.

Residents at the care home to the north of the city enjoyed venturing out every other week before the pandemic on bespoke trails with Joy Rides founder and cycling enthusiast Lissa McIntyre.

The Joy Rides project is to resume in June, and aims to allow residents and other customers to filter back into their local communities without stress or unease following months of lockdown.

Mcintyre said: “During the trip residents are encouraged to socialise with others from different parts of the home and are often keen to have a chat with locals.”

Between every session the tri-shaw bike is thoroughly cleaned, on top of this both the driver and passengers are required to wear a mask during the trip with health and safety being paramount.

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