Council leaders visit Excelcare care home in South London

Lambeth councillor Marcia Cameron and lead commissioner Paulo Borges at Excelcare’s Limetree Care Home
Lambeth councillor Marcia Cameron and lead commissioner Paulo Borges at Excelcare’s Limetree Care Home

Lambeth councillor Marcia Cameron and lead commissioner Paulo Borges have visited Excelcare’s Limetree Care Home in Tulse Hill.

The leaders met with home manager, Jonathan Kamara, and regional director, Celia Hardill to learn more about Limetree, meet teams in each department and interact with the people who live there.

Councillor Cameron said: “I was impressed by the activities taking place in the communal areas, arts, crafts, games, music and songs. It was good hearing about their partnerships in the community and the links they have with local schools and religious settings. It is important that residents are visible and embedded in the community.”

Commissioner Borges added: “Thank you to the team at Limetree for taking the time out to show us around your home and the opportunity to meet some of the residents.

“The atmosphere in Limetree felt very upbeat and it was really good to see so many residents out and about in the communal lounges.”

The councillor and lead commissioner discussed future plans for the home with its leadership team who plan to create new areas in the home, including an on-site replica pub which the community leaders said they would love to visit when completed.

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