Care UK care home rated Good in all areas
A Care UK care home in Darlington has been rated Good in all five areas by the CQC.
The 91-bed Ventress Hall, which provides residential, nursing, dementia, and short-term respite care, received the Good overall rating following an inspection in October 2022.
Care UK home manager, Diane Encinias, said: “Everyone at Ventress Hall works incredibly hard to provide the highest possible standards of care to all residents and their families in a friendly, comfortable environment, so I’m proud we received a good CQC rating.
“Every resident is unique – so why should their care plan be any different? We pride ourselves in the high-quality tailored care we provide, enabling residents to lead fulfilling lives in a warm, peaceful environment that has been designed to promote independence and support those who live at the home.
“I would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Ventress Hall for their dedication, which I know is also greatly appreciated by residents and their families. They are what makes our care home a wonderful place to call home for so many residents, and I’m grateful for everything they do on a daily basis.”
Residents’ comments included: “The staff are wonderful, very helpful and they remember things. I have trust in the staff here, they know their job. I’m very comfortable and happy.”
“They [staff] really push the boat out to give the residents a nice time with such personal care and attention.”
Encinas, who has implemented an inclusive culture where people feel empowered, was also praised, with one team member commenting: “I love my job and looking after the residents, they are all so lovely. [Home manager] and [deputy manager] are approachable and supportive.”
One relative commented: “The manager is very communicative and helpful. She keeps us well informed about everything.”