Care home prepares first community fete since Covid

Bournemouth-based Retired Nurses National Home (RNNH) is preparing to host its first community summer fete since the pandemic.

RNNH, run by Friends of the Elderly, will host the fete on Saturday 15 July. It will include performances by The Revolution Cheerleaders Academy, entertainment from the Dorset Accordion Orchestra Band, bouncy castle, Creature Teachers Pet Corner, Zumba class and a wide range of stalls, as well as a barbecue and cream tea.

“The fete is being officially opened by two very special guests,” said Rob Paton, RNNH’s activity coordinator. “Archie and Bailey, two of our Caring Canine friends will be doing the honours. Archie and Bailey are regular visitors to RNNH and are adored by the residents, so they were the natural choice to get the proceedings underway.”

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