Buckfast-thieving carer banned from working in sector

A Scottish woman has been removed from the register of care workers after a number of accusations, including that she stole a bottle of Buckfast from a convenience store in Inverness.

Jade Vint’s removal from the Scottish Social Services Council’s register of social workers was announced today (31 July), and comes into effect immediately, after she was found guilty of a number of indiscretions both within and outside of her role.

SSSC did not reveal which care service Vint worked for, but noted that her workplace was in Inverness.

Among the reasons for her removal from the register were that she “misappropriated” two bottles of Buckfast from a convenience store before punching a member of staff in the face while trying to make her escape.

These actions took place “on or around 3 February 2018” not in the course of her duty as a care worker, but while she was employed as one.

Meanwhile, the SSSC hearing also found her guilty of, between September 2016 and July 2017, lying to colleagues that she had completed tasks such as repositioning residents, changing urine-soaked patients and re-stocking residents’ rooms.

She was also accused of “lying on a sofa [while] using [her] personal mobile phone [and] failing to answer call buzzers for multiple residents”.

The SSSC report, addressing Vint, said: “You have shown no insight or remorse for your behaviour.

“The behaviour that occurred outside of work was of a serious nature and would likely negatively affect the reputation of the profession.”

The council added that the seriousness of the case meant that “a warning would not be appropriate”, also saying that a warning “would give no protection to people who use services”.

For these reasons, the SSSC has struck Vint from the register of social care workers.

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