Ashley Care Group appoints registered manager

Sophie Tyler has been appointed as the new registered manager at Ailwyn Hall.

Tyler, who is currently studying towards NVQ 7, joined Ashley Care Group after completing a Health and Social Care course at college.

“I started my career as a care assistant in a residential care home,” she added. “It’s then when I discovered my passion for wanting to help individuals living with dementia and wanting to put a smile on their faces. I realised I could make a real difference in people’s lives and wanted to prove everyone wrong who said I couldn’t do it, so I’ve done it!”

Ashey Care Group regional manager Lucie Calcutt is thrilled that Sophie has taken the post.

“Sophie is a great asset to Ashley Care Group, with wonderful knowledge and understanding of dementia and the difficulties those living with it face. She is proactive in working with professionals and families to enable their loved ones to reach their potential whilst living with this condition.

“Sophie’s energy and enthusiasm show great leadership skills which ensure that Ailwyn Hall continues to be a very happy home with much fun and laughter.”

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