Just what the doctor ordered

Having medical records at our fingertips helps us deliver the best possible care says Anita Astle, registered care manager and owner of Wren Hall Nursing Home in Selston, Nottinghamshire

We started using ‘computerised records’, as they were known then, way back in 1991 and we set up our first digital social care record (DSCR) solution in 2016, so making the most of technology has long been important to us.

As a registered nurse myself, I want to ensure we get medical treatment right as quickly as possible, as part of our commitment to providing exceptional round-the-clock care. Having access to people’s GP records is a crucial part of this.

When someone moves in with us, we contact their GP and ask them to activate their GP Connect record and we then submit consent from the person or their power of attorney, which states that they are happy for our team to see their medical record. Once those two simple steps are in place, our team can see exactly what medication has been prescribed, what observations and advice have been logged, and obtain a sense of their overall health and history.

And it’s all accessed via the one DSCR system, by clicking on the GP Connect tab. What’s more, it’s secure. Nurses need their registration pin to access the information. It’s particularly helpful if, for example, one of our residents has had a stay in hospital and there has been a change to their medication. When they come back to us, we don’t have to rely on written notes, email or telephone updates in terms of what the new medication and advice is, as it’s all there on their record. It means the team has the information and can act on it quickly, saving time for both our team and the GP practice team, on making phone calls and checking where things have got to with things like prescriptions.

Many of our residents have complex and multiple medical conditions. While they are under our care, and the care of one of our local GP practices, they may also be under a range of specialist teams in nearby hospitals. We all know the system is under pressure, so a summary letter from a consultant to a GP can take some time. But with GP Connect we can see, and most importantly, act on the advice straight away.

Without GP Connect, we would only have the hospital discharge letter to go on, which understandably doesn’t always take into account their previous history, so being able to see their journey and various conditions and treatments is really important. It means we can provide comprehensive and consistent care.   

Naturally, when someone has spent time in hospital, or come under the care of a new medical team, there are often changes to medication. This can be hard to keep track of, and on occasion we’ve had to phone the hospital to check notes or seek clarification. If those notes have already been archived following the person’s discharge, this can take valuable time before we receive the clarification we need. But with GP Connect, we can access the information and make the changes straight away. It means our resident gets the care and treatment they need quicker, and it saves valuable time and resources for our care staff and the hospital teams.   

Lastly, as many a registered care manager will contest, some of our residents are just a bit naughty. One gentleman was recently advised by his GP that he needs to keep his leg elevated as much as possible, even if it becomes uncomfortable. When our care team reminded him of this, he was telling them he’d never had that advice and that they must have got it wrong. Eventually one of the team showed him the GP’s advice, by clicking the GP Connect tab on his record, which she was able to show him on her tablet. Before this, on occasion we’ve had to contact a GP just to prove a point to a resident about what the medical advice is – which isn’t the best use of anyone’s time. Being able to access the official advice in an instant adds weight to our discussions and advice when it comes to helping people to help themselves. I’m glad to say the gentleman’s condition improved once he conceded and followed the advice.    

And sometimes it’s not just our residents we are helping. People in our care, their families and our staff often have questions for GPs when they come and visit their patients. On occasion they will be unable to answer, explaining that they don’t have access to the person’s medical record and will have to get back to us. It’s often been a pleasant surprise to them, and our residents and families, when our team can say “we have” and get those issues ironed out there and then.

I know my team here at Wren Hall simply wouldn’t be without GP Connect now. And if we asked the three GP practices we work with locally, I’m pretty sure they’d agree that fewer phone calls ‘just to check something’ can only be a good thing.

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