Boutique Care Homes founder raises funds for unpaid carers

Boutique Care Homes founder and managing director Ameet Kotecha raised £5,776 to support unpaid carers in Surrey, as part of a fundraising challenge.

I’m a Director, Get Me Out of Here!’, organised by Crossroads Care Surrey, saw local directors tackle Bushtucker trials to raise funds to support unpaid carers in the county.

“Family carers are the unsung heroes of the care community, tirelessly dedicating themselves to the well-being of their loved ones, often without recognition. Boutique Care Homes stands proudly as an advocate for their invaluable support,” said Kotecha.

Highlights of the event included winning the reptile challenge, excelling in the eating challenge with marinated pickled cabbage, and competing in the final round of archery, assault courses, and skill challenges. Kotecha was honoured as the top fundraiser, shortly before being covered in green gunge.

In total the event raised £25,545, enabling Crossroads Care Surrey to support five unpaid carers with life-changing weekly 3.5-hour respite breaks from caring for an entire year.

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